
Gaza Hospital Needs احتياجات مستشفيات غزة

Human Rights,بالعربي — نورا @ 11:24

Update Jan 6: Please check page 9 on flickr photo set. I’ve just got it today from Khalil at Rafah crossing, who in turn got it from Palestinian ICU doctors, and was trying to get it priced at local pharmacies.

Today also a group of Egyptian doctors gathered at Rafah crossing to enter Gaza supported by a letter from Pal Minister of health. But Hatem elGably, Egypt Minister of Health, said Egypt wants to let them through but Israel is not giving permission.

هذه القائمة من 8 صفحات صادرة من وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية في غزة وقد حصلت عليها من الاستاذ خليل النيس، قائد السيارة الفان الشهيرة التي اتت من اسكتلندا لكسر الحصار عن غزة فعلقت امام معبر رفح لاكثر من شهر. خليل يؤكد انه على اتصال دائم الاطباء بالداخل وان القائمة لا تزال سارية رغم التاريخ على صفحتها الاولى. ويضيف ان الحرب على غزة تمثل فرصة عظيمة لادخال اكبر قدر من المساعدات للقطاع المحاصر اصلا.

احتياجات مستشفيات غزة
اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدة الثماني صفحات او اضغط هنا.
اعتذر عن رداءة الصور.. سأحاول الحصول على نسحة افضل واستبدالها بالحالية في الايام القادمة.


  1. من سيقوم بهذه الاحتياجات وما السبيل لإيصالها إلى هناك؟

    Comment by Nour — 2009/01/05 @ 12:44

  2. Dear Nora
    Good job, wish ur safe, i will ciriulat the list for all my contacts, if there is any more addtional needs plz also send it.

    just take care and see u sooooooon

    Comment by AHMAD — 2009/01/05 @ 14:34

  3. I intend to copy the list, get the prices and availability of the medicine (a friend told me some of them are only available for hospitals), then print & spread it, dunno how to get the full price list though, but it’ll encourage people to participate. I’ll try to ask a pharmacist or the medicine warehouse across my street, if i fail I’ll go ask in the doctors syndicate or hisham mubarak center. take only calculated risks, I’ve been to rafah 3 days before the security breach drama ended, it can be dangerous suddenly & out of no-where. take care. i’ll notify you with the results.

    Comment by shereif saad — 2009/01/05 @ 18:02

  4. Nora,

    I’ve just read a very positive article about on the Christian Science Monitor (http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0105/p04s01-wome.html). I applaud your work.

    Now to my question, how can we support your effort to help the civilians of Gaza.
    – Is there a means to deliver these medical supplies and assistance to you or to someone else who would be able to deliver them to Gaza hospitals?
    – Would you have the list of the medical supplies in English?
    – How about monetary donations? What’s the proper means of sending them to you?

    Thank you again, and please keep up your great work.


    Comment by Mike Medley — 2009/01/06 @ 7:50

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