
شارون فى البرلمان المصرى.. والمصريين فى البرطمان الاسرائيلى

Egypt,in English,Israel — نورا @ 21:33

Egypt - Israel

Mubarak will visit Israel by Mid November after the parliamentary elections on November 1st and before the first parliamentary session in December, Israeli and US sources said. During his visit he will deliver a speech at the Kennest (Israeli Parliament) and this will come in parallel to the expansion of the QIZ agreement to include the factories of el Mahala and Ismailia and increase the joint Egyptian-Israeli production exports to the US. Egyptian Trade Minister Rashid met Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Olmert in Washington last week where, together, they drafted a letter to US state department on August 24th expressing their countries’ desires to expand the QIZ agreement.

Mubarak’s visit to Israel will be a historic one since he will be the first Arab leader to visit Israel and speak at the Kennest since late Egyptian president Anwar el Sadat who was assasinated in 1981.

Whereas Israeli sources said the visit will be in mid November and al Dostour weekly independent reckoned it will take place during September; al Dostour published Mubarak’s visit in its issue of this week under the title “Can Sharon deliver a speech at the Egyptian parliament in its coming term?”

Question is, what do you conclude from all this?

1 Comment »

  1. Makes me conclude 3 Things:

    1) The Israelis know something again for certain before everybody else: That the election is a non-issue and that Hosny is going to win even if he looses.

    2) We finally get part of the bargain that doesn’t force the US to pressure Mubarak on the international observers: He promises to be Israel’s best friend. He is probably going in september to give support to Sharon before the speeded up Likud elections on September 25th.

    3) That we as egyptians, despite a peace treaty that has been in effect for more than 25 years can not let go of our hatred against the them, while they could care less about what we represent, because, u know, it’s been 25 years and all since the peace treaty. They can handle 2 of our Preisdents giving a speech there but we can’t handle their Prime minister giving one here. I wonder, does that make them smarter than us, or just more civilized?

    Oh, I kid I kid. 😛

    Comment by The Sandmonkey — 2005/09/01 @ 16:51

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