اختفاء عبد المنعم محمود
Blogger Monem Disappears. Click here for English
رغم أنه في حوزة وزارة الداخلية المصرية، عبد المنعم اختفى
تم ترحيله أمس، 31 مايو، الساعة الثانية ظهرا من سجن طرة محكوم.. وصل محافظة البحيرة الساعة التاسعة مساءا.. استطاع تمرير رسالة لمحاميه الأستاذ اسلام لطفي بأنه موجود في ادارة ترحيلات الأسكندرية الساعة الثالثة صباح اليوم.. اتجه المحامون الى ادارة ترحيلات الأسكندرية التي نفت تماما أحتجازها لمنعم أو رؤيتهم له أصلا
في محادثة هاتفية صرح الأستاذ اسلام لطفي محامي منعم بأن احتجاز منعم غير قانوني لأنه مضى على ترحيله من السجن أكثر من أربع وعشرون ساعة
منعم يقول أنه في ادارة الترحيلات والادارة تنفي.. منعم الآن قد يكون معرضا للتحقيق من قبل مباحث أمن الدولة والتعذيب أو قد تكون هذه خطوة من أجل اعادة اعتقاله
[…] Nora has some disturbing updates… Egyptian blogger Monem, whose release was ordered on May 30 by general prosecutor after 46 days imprisonment in Southern Cairo Torah prison was deported from prison at 2pm yesterday May 31st. Mr. Islam Lotfy, Monem’s lawyer, contacted us now from Cairo saying Monem was able to have someone call him and pass a message of his whereabouts as he moved. Mr. Lotfy said Monem arrived Beheira governorate at 9pm, then arrived Ministry of Interior Transfers Department in Alexandria city at 3am today June 1st. While Monem was able to pass a third message to his lawyer confirming he is inside Alexandria Transfers Department, security officials denied he ever appeared at their premises and Monem’s lawyers were dismissed. “It is illegal to keep Monem for more than 24 hours after his release. I am worried Monem is being subject to re-interrogation by State Security, or even torture and re-detention” Says Mr. Lotfy. […]
Pingback by Blogger Moneim disappears! at 3arabawy — 2007/06/01 @ 20:16
يارب يتم الإفراج عنك علي خير يا منعم
Comment by محمد وادي — 2007/06/01 @ 23:22
خيرا يارب سترك
يا شباب حد عنده معلومات تاني
طيب انا هاخد الخبر للمدونة بعد اذن الاستاذ نوارة
Comment by شاويش — 2007/06/02 @ 0:03
مبروك يا نورا
مبروك ليكي بشكل شخصي على جدعنتك وحملتك الرائعة
Comment by نوارة — 2007/06/03 @ 15:45
على فكرة يا نورا عبد المنعم خرج بالفعل السبت وانا كلمته امبارح وهو بخير والحمد لله
Comment by محمد اسماعيل — 2007/06/04 @ 19:39
Dear Nora
First of all Mabrouk to Egypt for the release of Abdul Monem Mahmood. I have been monitoring the Egyptian photosphere for the past two years and I am so grateful to God for his release. Go Egypt! Go Freedom!
Let me introduce myself: My name is Dima Goussous and I am a Jordanian postgraduate student at University of Leeds in the UK. I am currently undertaking some research for my thesis entitled: “Is weblogging an effective tool for democracy and free speech in the Arab world: The cases of Egypt and Jordan”.
I have few questions that should help me in my analysis and I would be grateful if you could provide me with answers (doesn’t matter if you answer in Arabic or in English).
All your responses and any comments will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. The results of this research should be very exciting and, by the end of august, I will be sharing them with you.
Thank you for your time and help.
Dima Goussous
MA Communications Studies
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
Do you blog under a nick name or your real name
What is your major reason for blogging
What do you mostly blog about
Have you taken any content off your blog because you though it may be offensive
Have you ever been warned or threatened by your government? If yes state why
In the 1990s, many people were extremely optimistic regarding the possibilities for free speech that the Internet seemed to provide. The past few years, some have turned into a more pessimistic note. With heavy internet censorship in Middle Eastern and Islamic nations, is the Internet more a tool for repression and surveillance than for democracy and freedom
To what reason do you attribute the lack of Jordanian political blogs
Over the next few years? What do you think would the impact of blogging have in your country
Any other comments you might want to add
Comment by Dima Goussous — 2007/06/05 @ 3:46
I saw him at a shopping mall two days ago having coffee with a friend
Comment by dailyantics — 2007/06/06 @ 4:23
مدونة شاعر تستحق الزيارة
هذا جناه وطني
Comment by Hassan Arabesc — 2007/06/16 @ 17:43
انا فلسطيني
ولكن بقول عبد المنعم راجل و بيشرف كل الشباب العربي
و انا بطالب بحريةعبد المنعم
الحرية لك عبد المنعم فأنتا حر بقوبنا
يا اسير الحرية و اسير الرأي الحر و الفكر الحر
الله يخليك لمصر
اخوكم رامي
Comment by رامي — 2008/09/09 @ 1:13